2008年11月23日 星期日

B5L10 課文


2008年11月22日 星期六



2008年11月16日 星期日

快來看我的影片超可愛! 哈哈

Travels by the transportation vehicle.


Does not chop the trees.

Little operates the air conditioning.

Saves the energy.

Reduction CO2.

Does not need the fluorine chlorine carbide to atomize the product.

Reduction marine pollution.

The use does not use up the energy.

Planting trees.

1 Move your fridge and freezer

2 Make sure your voice is heard!

3 Make your city cool

4 Be sure you’re recycling at home

5 Get a home energy audit

6 Plant a tree

7 Drive carefully and do not waste fuel

8 Switch to green power

9 Insulate and weatherize your home

10 Buy fresh foods instead of frozen

weekly Assignment

1.Turn off electronics when you are not using them!

2. Simply grow a tree!

3.Drive a little less!

4.Use a little less hot water!

5.Change a light bulb!

6.Reduce garbage!

7.Ditch the Plastic!

8.Take Shorter Showers !


10.Use recycled paper !

2008年11月15日 星期六


半夜2:30( 屍体的作業完成了)好想睡覺阿!!

1.Whenever possible, use a fan instead of air conditioning.
2.Turn off lights when they are not in use.
3.Walk or ride a bike when it's possible.
4.Don't burn garbage. This releases carbon dioxide and hydrocarbons into the atmosphere.
5.Try to save electricity.
6.Recycle your own materials and buy recycled goods.
7.Turn off electronic devices when not in use.
8.Use less hot water.
9.Recycle more and buy recycled.
10.Avoid products with a lot of packaging.

Westlife -Home

Another summer day has come and gone away
In Paris and Rome, I wanna go home
Maybe surrounded by a million people I
Still feel all alone, I just wanna go home
Oh, I miss you, you know
And I’ve been keeping all the letters that I wrote to you
Each one a line or two, “’I’m fine baby how are you?”
Well, I would send them but I know that it’s just not enough
My words were cold and flat and you deserve more than that
Another airplane, another sunny place I’m lucky I know
but I wanna go home, I’ve got to go home

Let me go home
I’m just too far from where you are
I gotta come home
Let me go home
I’ve had my run, baby I’m done
I wanna come home

And I feel just like I’m living someone else’s life
It’s like I just stepped outside when everything was going right
And I know just why you could not come along with me
‘Cause this was not your dream, but you always believed in me
Another winter day has come and gone away
In neither Paris nor Rome and I wanna go home
I miss you, you know

Let me go home
I‘ve had my run
Baby I’m done
I wanna go home
Let me go home
It’ll all be alright
I’ll be home tonight
I’m coming back home

2008年11月14日 星期五


1. To use renewable energy.

2. The purchase of energy-saving electrical appliances.

3. The energy recycling.

4. More use of the bus or riding a bicycle.

5. Planting more trees.

6. To use environmental protection bag.

7. To reduce carbon dioxide.

8. To do environmental protection.

9. Paper recycling to be done.

10. To improve the thermostat replaced from time to time to reduce the heating and cooling energy consumption.

Weekly Assignment 11/14

Topic: Stopping Global Warming: You Can Make a Difference

1. Search for a video clip about Global Warming在網路上搜尋和全球暖化相關的影片(自己要先看過)
2. Write down 10 tips for stopping the problem寫下十項如何抑制全球暖化的方法
3.組長工作: 確認每位組員都將影片post上網,做好該影片的頁面超連結,整理後11/16 midnight 前寄gmail給導師。

Translation Practice on 11/14

41. 這家公司旨在幫助學生增進他們的英文能力(aim to V…)
42. 我和朋友在倫敦參加新年的慶祝活動。
43. 做父母的應該勸子女不要賭博(discourage sb. from Ving…)
44. 新任經理將於下星期接管我們的部門。
45. 你應該在星期五前完成這項企劃案(…be supposed to…)

2008年11月9日 星期日

東東東東 完成了=..=

How do I Handle My Stress
In our lifetime there is many invisible stress but we don't know it. Friendship, schoolwork, and our family above-mentioned will give you stress. It was not difficult to deal with stress. If we can find behind the problem, we will solve it.
You can watch tv, play with your friends, do what you like to do. It's very good for solve your stress. There is nothing to come be solve. Chang your ideas you can be better. In this world have many beautiful thing. You can't give up to do everything when you have stress. You have to know you're the best you can change everything like superman.


Outwardly paralyzed with horror and humiliation, I frantically plotted the appropriate reaction. Should I run off the stage in despair or wait for the power to return to the microphone? Time seemed to stand [u1] still, crystallizing[u2] a moment of opportunity, when intent suddenly meant everything.

I chose neither of my first quick solutions. Instead, I told myself only when I faced this unexpected obstacle head-on could I be the victor. I decided to close[u3] my eyes to still my quaking limbs and force out the hot anxiety in my lungs to make room for what I to do.

I took a deep breath, paused for a moment, and then continued.Before me, the quiet audience focused on each new word, as if I had been[u4] a bird, singing[u5] out for the very first time. Knowing[u6] I had made[u7] the right decision, I felt the blood return to my pale face, along with a calm, sure feeling. In addition, from somewhere beside me, I heard my voice boom, this time without electronic help. It reached far into the upper balcony, where I could see people no longer bobbing their heads, but sitting fascinated, and maybe amazed at how determined I was.

Instead, I told myself only when I faced this unexpected obstacle head-on could I be the victor.
為什麼不是I could而是could I?








2008年11月8日 星期六


  My soliloquy ended. Tomy surprise, the applause and cheering werw so loud that the large room actually vibrated. I appeared humble on the outside, yet my heart was bursting with pride on the inside. I had mastered my greatest fear, along with a big extra dose of unforeseen adversity. I had gotten the butterflies and even elephants out on the audience, I believed that this loud cheering was a new kind of elephant thunering in my ears!
  then a realization swept over me like a gift. In an instant, I knew-I could do anything! Taking a bow in my white dress, I felt a glow that I would never forget. I realized that within me existed a young woman once tested-a young woman who bolder than her fear.


How I Dealt with Stage Fright
1.It was not difficult to deal with stage fright. 2.3.During last week's speech, even though I was full of anxiety, I managed to conquer my stage fright. How did I do it?4.First, before I went onto the stage, I closed my eyes to steady my shaking hands and legs. 5.Next, I forced the hot anxiety in my lungs to make room for what I intended to do. I then took a deep breath to calm down.6. Finally, I walked onstage with a big smile, and then delivered my speech. 7.After I finished my speech, I saw the audience cheering and applauding.8. My heart was bursting with pride because I had finally conquered my stage fright.


2008年11月7日 星期五


Several hundred faces stared at me. Some people were giggling, while others were quietly attentive.
Dressed [J.T.1] in a white gown, I stood onstage. I was one of the six girls in my senior class who had been selected to be a "princess" to represent our high school in a huge, citywide festival. When I was selected[J.T.2] , I knew that I'd eventually have to give a speech. In spite of considerable anxiety, I decided to take on the challenge and conquer my fear of public speaking.
Ex. I was dressed in a white gown.

公式: s+ be+ p.p.

1. 譯成中文(通順的中文)。
2. 標出所有動詞。
3. 解釋所有句中有兩個動詞的原因。
4. 問老師ㄧ個文法上的問題。

作文題目: How do I Handle My Stress

How I Dealt with Stage Fright

How I Dealt with Stage Fright
It was not difficult to deal with stage fright. During last week's speech, even though I was full of anxiety, I managed to conquer my stage fright. How did I do it? First, before I went onto the stage, I closed my eyes to steady my shaking hands and legs. Next, I forced the hot anxiety in my lungs to make room for what I intended to do. I then took a deep breath to calm down. Finally, I walked onstage with a big smile, and then delivered my speech. After I finished my speech, I saw the audience cheering and applauding. My heart was bursting with pride because I had finally conquered my stage fright.


標號 內容
1 ......Topic Sentence
2 ......Lead-in to the steps taken
3 ......Lead-in to the steps taken
4 ......First step
5 ......Second step
6 ......Third step
7 ......Fourth step
8 ......Conclusion

Weekly Assignment: 11/7


1.How I Dealt Stage Fright(18ps) No.30

2.L9課文2-4段(20points) No.20

3.L9課文5-7段(20points) No.24

4.L9課文8-10段(20points) No.11

5.作文(22 points) No.10


2008年11月5日 星期三

徵求組員的email address


2008年11月2日 星期日

美國老師教你寫出好英文 避免中式英文

What is Chinglish? It is Chinese-English. It is perfectly normal, when you learn a foreign language, that you think in your native tongue and try to translate word-for-word. Though this is a normal, understandable trait, it makes your foreign language sound, well, foreign. For instance, when I was first learning Chinese, I learned the word for old was lao (老). When it came time to talk about old clothes, though, my friend corrected me and said I had to say jiu(舊). I was puzzled because English has the same word for old dog or old clothes: old. It took me time to think in Chinese, and it also takes Chinese speakers time to think in English. But be encouraged! Learning English just takes time and patience.
什麼是Chinglish?就是中式英文。學習外語時會用母語思考並逐字翻譯,這是很正常的現象。然而,雖然這種現象很正常且合理,但它就是會讓你的外文聽起來不道地。舉例來說,我初學中文時學到old的中文意思是「老」,但當我用來表達「老衣服」時,我的朋友卻糾正我說用要「舊」這個字。這讓我很困惑,因為英文可以用old來表示old dog或old clothes。我花了不少時間才有辦法用中文思考,同樣地,華人也需要一段時間才能學會用英文思考。但是不要沮喪,學習英文只是需要時間和耐心。

Afraid 害怕
This is a very common phrase, (我很怕蚊子). But be careful: in English, “afraid” means actual fear, so do not say, “I am afraid of mosquitoes.” That gives the image of some 200-pound mosquito trying to kill you! In this case, just write: “I hate mosquitoes” or “I find mosquitoes annoying.” Save “afraid” for serious cases.
「我很怕蚊子」是中文裡常見的說法,但要小心,在英文中afraid是指真正的懼怕,所以不能說I am afraid of mosquitoes.,那會讓人誤以為有隻200磅的蚊子要攻擊你。這句話只要寫成I hate mosquitoes. 或I find mosquitoes annoying. 就可以了,把afraid用在更嚴重的情況吧。例如:
●Ever since I was bitten as a child, I have always been afraid of big dogs.
●With the economy doing poorly, I am afraid I may have a hard time finding a job.

Bored/Boring 無聊
These adjectives that can end with either -ed or -ing can be tricky. In general, bored is how someone feels because a situation (or another person) is boring.
這類用 -ed或 -ing結尾的形容詞很容易讓人搞錯。一般而言,bored指的是某人的感受,因為他處的情境(或面對的人)很boring。例如:
●WRONG: This class is too long. I feel very boring.
●RIGHT: This class is too long. I feel very bored.

To say you are boring is to insult yourself! But a boring class can make a person bored.
如果你說自己很boring,那就等於在侮辱自己了。但是你可以說一堂boring class讓人感到bored。

Colors 顏色
This is an easy problem to solve. Because the Chinese word for white is bai se(白色), many translate it as “white color,” as in “Have you seen my dog? It is white color.” No. All you need to say is “Have you seen my dog? It is white.”
這個問題比較容易解決。中文稱white為「白色」,因此很多人會把中文的「白色」翻譯成white color,例如Have you seen my dog? It is white color. 這是不對的,你只要說Have you seen my dog? It is white. 就可以了。
●WRONG: Blue color makes me feel peaceful.
●RIGHT: Blue makes me feel peaceful.
●WRONG: Red color and yellow color can make people feel in a hurry.
●RIGHT: Red and yellow can make people feel in a hurry.
(And what are the main colors at McDonald’s? Red and yellow. That’s why they call it “fast food.” They want you to spend your money and get out fast so they have room for the next person.)

High School Musical 3"Can I Have This Dance"(Performed by Vanessa Hudgens & Zac Efron as Gabriella Montez & Troy Bolton)

Take my hand
Take a breath
Pull me close
And take one step
Keep your eyes locked on mine
And let the music be your guide

Gabriella & Troy:
Won't you promise me that you'll never forget
We'll keep dancin' wherever we go next

Gabriella & Troy:
It's like catching lightning, the chances of finding
Someone like you
It's one in a million, the chances of feeling
The way we do
And with every step together
We just keep on getting better
So can I have this dance
Can I have this dance (can I have this dance)
Can I have this dance

Gabriella & Troy:
No mountain's too high enough, no ocean's too wide
'Cause together or not
Our dance won't stop
Let it rain, let it pour
What we have is worth fighting for
You know I believe that we were meant to be

Gabriella & Troy:
It's like catching lightning, the chances of finding
Someone like you
It's one in a million, the chances of feeling
The way we do
And with every step together
We just keep on getting better
So can I have this dance
Can I have this dance (can I have this dance)
Can I have this dance

Gabriella & Troy:
Can I have this dance
Can I have this dance


1. 雖然Lily生來又瞎又聾,但她從來不氣餒。

Although Lily was born blind and deaf, she never gives up .


Her story proves that only work hard will we succeed.


I felt unwell last night.


My mother wants me to see chinese madicine.


She said chines herbal medicine is more natural than western medicine.

6. 我生病的時候通常會去看西醫。

I usually see western medicine when I was sick.

7. 但是我想我有另外的選擇了。

But I think I have other choices.


Sleep habits of young people and old people are very different .

9. 許多年輕人往往很晚還不睡,第二天早上就不能早起。

Many young people do not often sleep very late , next morning can not get up early.


Old person usually nothing to do at night,so get up early very much.


The two kinds of different sleep habit,which is the best for health?


Actually, only sleep sufficient ,sleep early or sleep late is all right.


Every holiday , I always travel somewhere in Taiwan.


This year spring vacation , I took a bus to Kenting National Park with some classmates .


We staied for three days there , appreciating the mountain and the sea there very much.


This semester has not finished yet , but we planed the travel of the summer .


We will probably go to the eastern Taiwan , because the scenery there is very beautiful.

18. 如果當時Allen開慢一點,就不會發生車禍了。(與過去事實相反的假設)

If Allen drove slowly , the car accident would not have happened.

19. 當Greg醒來時,發覺自己被綁在樹上。

When Greg woke up , he found himself was tied on the tree.

20. 看到那些照片,我不禁想起美好的昔日時光。

Seeing those pictures , I couldn't help thinking of wonderful days.

21.由於經濟不景氣(economic recession),Han發現要維持收支平衡越來越難了。

Due to economic recession , Han finds its more difficult to keep revenue and expenditure balanced.


On the plane to London , I chanced to meet my neighbors.

23. 當Derek 看到Eric的新髮型時,忍不住笑了出來。

When Derek saw Eric's new hairstyle , he couldn't help having laughed.


Along with a shore you can see many coffee stores.

25. 如果你想要成功,你就應該儘可能把握每一個機會。

If you want to succeed , you should keep every chances as possible you can.


Last July , Frank proposed to Sophia , they married at two months later.


This semester has nott ended , but we are project for the summer trip.

We will probably go to eastern Taiwan , because of the beautiful scenery .

18. 如果當時Allen開慢一點,就不會發生車禍了。(與過去事實相反的假設)
If Allen have driven more slowly , the car accident wouldn’t have happened.

19. 當Greg醒來時,發覺自己被綁在樹上。
When Greg woke up , he found himself was tied on the tree.

20. 看到那些照片,我不禁想起美好的昔日時光。
Seeing those pictures , I couldn’t help thinking of wonderful days.


1. 雖然Lily生來又瞎又聾,但她從來不氣餒。
Although Lily was born blind and deaf, she never gave up .

Her story proves that we work hard and we will be succeed.

I felt unwell last night.

My mother wants me to see herbalist.

She says herb is more natural than medicine.


Dr.eye 譯典通 線上辭典



薇欣 6~10的題作業

6. 我生病的時候通常會去看西醫。
I am to take sick times usualy go to see western medicine.

7. 但是我想我有另外的選擇了。
But I think I have a others choose.

young people and old person of different to be used to sleep.

9. 許多年輕人往往很晚還不睡,第二天早上就不能早起。
Many young people to be used to late sleep,Second day morning have not to get up early.

Usualy old person nothing wrong in night,so get up early so much.

所以文法應該錯很多= = 哈哈哈哈哈哈...

2008年11月1日 星期六

屍体 21-26的作業完成了

21.由於經濟不景氣(economic recession),Han發現要維持收支平衡越來越難了。
Due to economic recession , Han finds its more difficult to keep revenue and expenditure balanced.
On the plane to London , I chanced to meet my neighbor.
23. 當Derek 看到Eric的新髮型時,忍不住笑了出來。
When Derek saw Eric's new hairstyle , he couldn't keep from laughting.
Along with a shore you can see many coffee stores.
25. 如果你想要成功,你就應該儘可能把握每一個機會。
If you want to succeed , you should keep every chance as possible you can.
Frank proposed to Sophia last July , after two mounths they merried.

the most beautiful blog!!

bright, colorful, and energetic!!


